
Amazing Grace Piano 어메이징 그레이스 피아노 - John Hwang -


당신은 사랑받기 위해 - 소프라노, 알토 색소폰 연주입니다. 

듣다가 혼자 듣기 아까워 공유해 봅니다^^


힘들 때 마음에 위로와 평안함을 주는 은혜와 감동, 회복의 찬양 


2시간 찬송가 피아노 연주곡 모음 


1시간 새벽 침묵기도/묵상기도 피아노 찬양 연주곡 모음/새벽기도 경음악/새벽기도 배경음악


유명한 영화 믿음의 승부 (Facing the giants) 명장면입니다. 안본 사람은 있어도 한 번 본 사람은 없다는 영화 명장면이죠^^

Can I count on you? 이 대사가 너무 좋네요. 

A team mate: So coach how strong is West View this year?

Brock: Much stronger than we are.

Coach: You already written that Friday night is a lost Brock?

Brock: Well, not if I know we can beat them.

Coach: Come here Brock. You too Jeremy.

Brock: What am I in trouble now?

Coach: Not yet. I want to see you do the death crawl again except
I want to see you in absolute best.

(Brock team mates laughs.)

Brock: What? You want me to go to thirty?

Coach: I think you could go to fifty.

Brock: Fifty? I can go to fifty if there’s nobody on my back.

Coach: I think you could do it with Jeremy with your back.

Even if you can’t, I want you to promise me that you’d going to do your best.

Brock: Allright.

Coach: Your best!              Brock: O.k.

Coach: You are going to give me your best.

Brock: I’m going to give you my best.

Coach: Allright one more thing. I want you to do it blindfolded.

Brock: Why?

Coach: Because I don’t want you to given up at a certain point when you can go further.

(Coach taps Brocks left shoulder.)


Coach: Get down.

Jeremy get on his back! Get a good tight hold Jeremy.

Allright? Lets go Brock!

Get your knees off the ground.

Just use your hands and feet.

A little bit left.

A little bit left.

There you go.

Show me good effort.

That a way Brock!

You keep coming!       There you go.

It’s a good start. A little bit left!

A little bit left. There you go Brock!

Good strength.

(Team mate thats watching: You got to be kidding me.- Chuckles)


Coach: Thats it Brock! Thats it.

Brock: Am I at twenty yet?

Coach: Forget the twenty! You give me your best!

You keep going! Thats it!

Now don’t stop Brock! You got more in you than that!

Brock: Afraid not. (Sounds exhausted) Just resting a second (breathing heavily)

Coach: You got to keep moving, keep moving! Go!

Don’t quit till you got nothing left!

There you go! Keep moving! Keep moving, Brock!

Thats it. Keep driving! Keep your knees off the ground!

Keep driving it!

Your very best! Your very best! Your very best!

Keep moving Brock! Thats it!

Thats it! Thats it! Thats it!


Keep going! Don’t quit on me!

Keep going!

Keep driving! Keep your knees off the ground!

Thats it. You very best! Don’t quit on me!

Your very best! Keep driving! Keep driving!

There you go! There you go!

Thats it, keep driving. Keep your knees off the ground!

Keep driving it. Don’t quit till you got nothing left!

Keep moving Brock!

Thats it! Thats it! Thats it! Keep going!

I want everything you got!

Come on, keep going!

Brock: It hurts!


Coach: Don’t quit on me, your very best!

Keep driving!

Keep driving!

There you go!

There you go!

Brock: He’s heavy.

Coach: I know he’s heavy.

Brock: I’m butt out off strength.

Coach: Then you negotiate with your mind to find more strength

but don’t you give up on me Brock.

You keep going, do you hear me!

You’re doing good! Keep going! Do not quit on me!

You keep going!

Brock: It hurts!


Coach: I know it hurts! You keep going! You keep going!

Its all heart from here!

Thrity more steps! You keep going, Brock!

Come on! Keep going!

Brock: It burns!

Coach: Let it burn!

Brock: My arms are burning!

Coach: Its all heart! You keep going Brock!

Come on! Come on! Keep going!

You promise me your best! Your best!

Don’t stop! Keep going!

Brock: Too hard!


Coach: Its not too hard! You keep going! Come on Brock!

Give me more! Give me more! Keep going!

Twenty more steps! Twenty more steps!

Keep going Brock, give me your best!

Don’t quit! No!

Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

Don’t quit! Don’t quit! Don’t quit!

Brock Kelly, You don’t quit!

Keep going! Keep going!

No, Brock Kelly! You don’t quit on me!

No! You keep going! you keep going!

No Brock! Ten more steps!

Ten more! Ten more! Ten more!

Keep going! Don’t quit!

Give it all! Give it all!


Brock: No, I can’t!

You can! You can! Five more! Five more! Come on, Brock!

Come on! Don’t quit! Don’t quit! Come on, Brock!

Two more! One more!

Brock (Crying in pain)


Coach: Look up brock! You are in the in zone. Brock!

You are the most influential player on this team.

If you walk around defeated, so will they!

Now tell me you can’t give more than what I’m seeing.

You just carried a hundred and forty pound man across
this field on your arms.

Brock, I need you!

God gifted you with the ability of leadership, don’t waste it!

Jeremy: Coach.

Coach: Can I count on you?

Brock: Yes

Jeremy: Coach.

Coach: What is it Jeremy?

Jeremy: I weigh one sixty.

학교 연습실에서 반주가 없어 무반주로 연습해 봤습니다.^^ 비츨러 7호에 반도린 자바 3호 리드를 썼는데 오프닝이 넓어서 호흡 조절이 힘드네요. ^^:;

칭찬을 받으면 저도 먼저 '아니에요, 무슨 말씀을~'이라는 반응이 먼저 나오는데요. 장경철 교수님의 말씀을 들으니 칭찬받는 것을 잘 챙겨두어야겠습니다.^^ 챙긴다는 건 내가 다른 곳에 가서 인색하지 않게 쓸 수 있도록 자신의 장점을 기뻐할 줄 아는 것이라는 교수님의 말씀이었습니다.^^ 
자기의 좋은 점들에도 남을 칭찬하는 것에도 인색하지 않는 우리가 됩시다!^^ 

이지선 자매의 간증을 볼 때마다 눈물이 납니다. 
하나님의 은혜는 때로는 우리가 기대했던 축복으로 찾아오기도 하고 때로는 기대 못했던 아픔과 상실로 찾아오기도 합니다. 
그 순간에는 다 이해할 수 없지만 하나님의 계획은 일평생 우리가 하나님의 은혜를 깨달아가는 것입니다. 
우리 모두에게 삶은 선물입니다.  

세상이 시작되기도 전에 당신은 하나님 마음에 있었습니다. 하나님은 죄로 인해 죽어있는 당신을 살리기 위해 아들을 내어 주셨습니다. 아버지의 눈물 안에 당신을 향한 사랑이 있습니다. 깨어진 마음, 깨어진 인생들 모두 그가 받으실 것입니다. 



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